All add-ons currently require PHP 7.4 or greater.

On July 4th 2024 PHP 8.2 will be the new minimum requirement for all add-ons. Expect any add-on released after that date to require 8.2 or greater. Some releases may not immediately take advantage of 8.x specific features in PHP, which means you might, be able to continue using new releases in PHP 7.4, however, if you experience an error the first thing you should do is update to PHP 8.2 then create a support ticket if the error persists.

Please read about the changes to BoldMinded add-on licensing.


    Date Replies Status
#2940 Get PHP errors related to settings when creating a new import. 7 With Customer
#2932 Import Relationships within a Grid Field 12 With Customer
#2941 Entries not getting deleted or closed when removed from feed 16 With Customer
#2934 static page caching ‘url_override’ parameter not working since update 4 With Customer


    Date Replies Status
#2792 Publisher redirecting to EN URL title from translated URL title (showing translated content) 5 Backlog
#2774 speedy file driver ‘deleteItem’ not working as the ‘key’ does not include ‘/item’ 3 Backlog

Feature Requests

    Date Replies Status
#2914 Feature Request: CSV import for tables 7 With Customer
#2917 Log the CP cache clearings 1 With Customer
#2725 Add option to keep Structure tree in sync across all languages based on default language 5 Open


    Date Replies Status
#2689 Entries fail to import because of missing IP Address 5 Resolved
#2683 Publisher language bar not initially shown on new entry 4 Resolved
#2684 Import seems to continually run until the main Datagrab page is refreshed 4 Resolved
#2685 Native EE Search/Replace and Blow data? 1 Resolved
#2679 comment_url_title_auto_path links are missing language URL segment 6 Resolved
#2682 DG job looks like it’s running but no entries are added 5 Resolved
#2672 Importing data into CartThrob order items field 19 Resolved
#2678 Unknown model “Site”. Used in model “publisher:Category” for a relationship called “Site”. 6 Resolved
#2677 Datagrab not able to locate import file 7 Resolved
#2675 Can’t import categories with numeric value 8 Resolved
#2656 CartThrob support 6 Resolved
#2673 Breaking deprecation error on switching languages 1 Resolved
#2669 Publisher:Category 10 Resolved
#2674 License issue 3 Resolved
#2671 Ability to change categories delimiters 6 Resolved
#2664 Weird redirection error when browser language does not match default language 4 Resolved
#2660 Can we optimize the data import using DataGrab to prevent time outs and slowness? 3 Resolved
#2670 Access to older versions 3 Resolved
#2668 Importing into Assets field in Grid field after updating DG 6 Resolved
#2667 Auto Translate not translating contents of Wygwam field within a grid. 6 Resolved
#2666 Refreshing a translation returns empty grid fields in entry. 4 Resolved
#2665 UNlisted YOutube 2 Resolved
#2663 Directory access is forbidden. 2 Resolved
#2662 Undefined array key “sitemap__ping_sitemap”. on editing entry 6 Resolved
#2661 Import errors with channel id - MSM sites. 7 Resolved