All add-ons currently require PHP 7.4 or greater.

On July 4th 2024 PHP 8.2 will be the new minimum requirement for all add-ons. Expect any add-on released after that date to require 8.2 or greater. Some releases may not immediately take advantage of 8.x specific features in PHP, which means you might, be able to continue using new releases in PHP 7.4, however, if you experience an error the first thing you should do is update to PHP 8.2 then create a support ticket if the error persists.

Please read about the changes to BoldMinded add-on licensing.


    Date Replies Status
#2940 Get PHP errors related to settings when creating a new import. 7 With Customer
#2932 Import Relationships within a Grid Field 12 With Customer
#2941 Entries not getting deleted or closed when removed from feed 16 With Customer
#2934 static page caching ‘url_override’ parameter not working since update 4 With Customer


    Date Replies Status
#2792 Publisher redirecting to EN URL title from translated URL title (showing translated content) 5 Backlog
#2774 speedy file driver ‘deleteItem’ not working as the ‘key’ does not include ‘/item’ 3 Backlog

Feature Requests

    Date Replies Status
#2914 Feature Request: CSV import for tables 7 With Customer
#2917 Log the CP cache clearings 1 With Customer
#2725 Add option to keep Structure tree in sync across all languages based on default language 5 Open


    Date Replies Status
#2818 DataGrab imported entries coming in a drafts in Publisher 16 Resolved
#2814 Pending approvals in unassigned language cause error in dashboard widget 3 Resolved
#2797 Can’t get DataGrab to import 22 Resolved
#2811 Escape and clear not working 1 Resolved
#2813 Development Environment 3 Resolved
#2809 After changing language with publisher add-On, parameters appear on URL 3 Resolved
#2807 Uninstalling add-on causing legacy facade issue 3 Resolved
#2789 Escape is not escaping logged in check 10 Resolved
#2805 Bloqs missing “required” icon 1 Resolved
#2804 Error when using EE image manipulation with grid image field. 4 Resolved
#2803 Issues importing meta descriptions into SEO Lite 6 Resolved
#2799 XML feeds not parsing 2 Resolved
#2765 Datagrab won’t import images on local server 24 Resolved
#2801 after upgrading to Simple Grids & Tables 1.7.1, accessing Add-Ons returns an error message 21 Resolved
#2786 Configure Redis using Unix sockets? 58 Resolved
#2800 file field not rendering 6 Resolved
#2792 Publisher redirecting to EN URL title from translated URL title (showing translated content) 5 Backlog
#2798 Warning and Notice on none-english language site 7 Resolved
#2791 Proper syntax for speedy_query_cache_allowlist ? 2 Resolved
#2795 Trouble claiming license 6 Resolved
#2796 Does publisher have the same features as wpml 2 Resolved
#2537 Image manipulations with file field in simple grid 2 Resolved
#2794 License showing as invalid 6 Resolved
#2793 Heading Row not displaying 7 Resolved
#2790 Claiming licence 11 Resolved