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Ticket: Image manipulations with file field in simple grid

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Simple Grids & Tables 1.5.3
EE Version 7.2

Kevin Chatel

Nov 22, 2022

I’m not sure if I’m getting the syntax correctly, but if I use a file field in a grid element I cannot use EE’s Image manipulations on it. It just prints out the tag instead of rendering the image

We’d like to convert uploaded images to webp in simple grid fields.

Let me know if maybe I’m not doing it correctly. This is a simple Grid inside a block

Example code

{cards} {!-- Grid Field --}
  <article id="w-node-019eb1c9-{bloqs:id}-{row_id}" class="service-card">
     <img src="{img_thumb}" loading="lazy" alt="{ttl}" class="service-card-img"> {!-- File Field --}
     <div class="service-card-contents">
	<div class="h3">{ttl}</div>
	<div class="spacer-m"></div>
	<div class="body-regular-medium">{bdy}</div>



BoldMinded (Brian)

Sorry for the delayed response on this. I agree it would be nice if these worked, but it’s going to take a bit of refactoring. I’ll get to it when I can.


BoldMinded (Brian)

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