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Ticket: Proper syntax for speedy_query_cache_allowlist ?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Speedy 1.8.1
EE Version 7.3.12


Nov 10, 2023

I have a site where I have Speedy set up for static caching. All is working smoothly, except for a page that uses query strings with Pro Form to generate the content. For example:


I would like to cache both the base /page and also the page with the results filtered by query string.

I see that there is a speedy_query_cache_allowlist config that should allow me to do just that. But I can’t seem to get that working.

The documentation doesn’t provide an example of what that config would look like, so it’s very possible that I’m just making a simple mistake in syntax. Here is what I have for the above example:

$config['speedy_query_cache_allowlist'] = ['child:custom_field'];

Should that work? Or do I need to construct that config differently?



BoldMinded (Brian)

That should work. Did you see the comments in the docs?

Query string caching will only work when using the static driver if the requested page is cached without the query string. For example, if the url /products/shirt?size=small is requested by the user and cached, it will not display the cached contents to any user until /products/shirt is also cached.


Sorry. Got pulled away on another project.

Now that I’m back on this project, the query string caching seems to be working fine. Because of course it is.

I think I’ve got everything set up and running properly. Thanks for developing such a useful plugin!

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