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Ticket: Publisher for non-translation msm site?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher -
Severity Trivial
EE Version -

Toby Callinan

Sep 23, 2013


I am building an MSM where all products are in one channel that is on site 1. I’m just wondering if, rather than setting up translations based on counties, could I set them so that fields were translated for different sites?

So, rather than set up descriptions, SEO fields for each site etc, could I use the ‘translation’ facilities and show specific fields for each MSM site?

If that is possible, could I then have actual translations used in the normal way?


site1/en - title, description - English
site1/us - title, description - US

site2/en - title, description - English
site2/us - title, description - US

I hope I have explained that properly.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi, Toby. If I’m understanding correctly you want to share your products channel data from site #1 on site #2 to avoid duplicate content entry on site #2?


Toby Callinan

Yeah, that’s it. So rather than having the same descriptions and SEO etc, I could have have different info per site.

Then the second question, would I then be able to then translate fields for different countries? If we took the description as an example, there could be four translation. One for English site 1, one for English site 2 and the same again for site 2?

I’m not 100% I’d build it like this, but it would save 100s of fields.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Its sounds like this really isn’t a Publisher issue. You should be able to build site #2 just like normal, but use the site=”default_site” parameter in the entries tags.


Toby Callinan

Ace, so it sounds possible then. That’s great. Thanks Brian.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Just let me know if you have any other questions, but I don’t foresee issues with this approach.

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