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On July 4th 2024 PHP 8.2 will be the new minimum requirement for all add-ons. Expect any add-on released after that date to require 8.2 or greater. Some releases may not immediately take advantage of 8.x specific features in PHP, which means you might, be able to continue using new releases in PHP 7.4, however, if you experience an error the first thing you should do is update to PHP 8.2 then create a support ticket if the error persists.

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Ticket: Wyvern is broken after trying to install YouTube plugin

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version
Severity Blocker
EE Version 24

Dustin Hansen

Jun 18, 2013

I uploaded ( to /themes/ckeditor/plugins and now Wyvern won’t load on any pages throughout the entire CMS.  I’ve deleted/disabled the YouTube plugin but Wyvern is still broken.  What should we do??


BoldMinded (Brian)

Did you unzip the zip file? It needs to be a folder, not a zip file.

Look at your JS console, what does it say?


Dustin Hansen

I had initially tried uploading the folder but I couldn’t get it to work properly so I tried the zip file, since there’s an example in there called “”. Now the editor won’t show anywhere and when we try to edit Wyvern preferences in the Module, we get:

Disallowed Key Characters.

The JS console on Edit Entry shows:

“NetworkError: 404 Not Found - /themes/third_party/wyvern/plugins/” uncaught exception: [CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name “” was not found at “/themes/third_party/wyvern/plugins/”.

I’m not sure how to resolve this. I’ve already removed the zip file.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Change all your wyvern fields to text areas, uninstall it, then reinstall it. Remove the .zip files from the plugins folder.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Closing this, lets keep everything in

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