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Ticket: Carson clear content form the last field in layout

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Carson 1.2.0
EE Version 7.2.11

Daniel Szczukiewicz

Jul 26, 2024

Description of the problem I added Carson SEO (for meta data) to my channel and then.. if I add content to the last field in layout and press SAVE then content is not saved at all. When i move that filed higher in layout then the new last field doesn’t keep the content and so on.

In my case this is GRID field.

How To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install Carson.
  2. Add SEO Carson field to channel.
  3. Add content to the last field in layout & save.
  4. Content in this field is not saved at all.

Error Messages There is no visible errors.

Environment Details: - Version: 7.2.11 - PHP Version 8.2 - MySQL Version 5.7 - OS: Linux - Web Server: Apache

Possible Solution When I remove Carson SEO field then everything is back to normal.

So I stopped using this field for now. Other Carson fields seems to work good.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you please share a video illustrating what you’ve described?


Daniel Szczukiewicz

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BoldMinded (Brian)

This doesn’t seem like a Carson specific issue. If you add a new Grid field with several rows, thus adding several new fields to the form, I suspect you’ll see a similar issue. What is your PHP’s max_input_vars set to? I have a feeling the total number of form fields on the page is exceeding that limit, and its just truncating and not saving some fields as a result.


Daniel Szczukiewicz

I had “max_input_vars” set up to 1000. Increased to 5000 but the issue still persist.


BoldMinded (Brian)

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Daniel Szczukiewicz

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BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m unable to replicate the issue with the Carson SEO field anywhere on the page. Either at the beginning or end of a publish form, inside of another tab like you had it etc. Something like this feels like if it was a clear fault with the field type that I’d have other similar reports, but since I can’t replicate it and no one else’s reporting a similar issue, it sounds like there is something unique with your environment potentially causing it. Have you tried creating a brand new EE install with a few custom fields (just text fields) and then the Carson SEO field to try to replicate it? Maybe there is something else in your install that is conflicting with it?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Daniel, have you had a chance to try to replicate this in another environment?


Daniel Szczukiewicz

Not yet as do not have much time for it tbh… For workaround I just added another grid field there. I will let you know when I know something more.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ll close this out for now then. Feel free to re-open it later.

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