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Ticket: about datagrab and json

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version DataGrab 4.2.1
EE Version 7.2.10


Feb 22, 2023

I am preparing for a big project
that uses most of ExpressionEngine abilities and your add-ons as well.

This project would use millions of entries

so I needed Datagrab as a primary add-on to grab entries from different resources

I would like to ask some questions about this addon
how can I get a path of the Json file in the configuration
the JSON page is empty

I am trying to get data from this URL*&q=content_type:%22%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%88%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA%22&start=0&rows=615&sort=pos%20asc

it reads the URL but i could not get the path of response/docs/ OR response/docs
it gives me an error as below

Undefined array key “response/docs/”
user/addons/datagrab/datatypes/json/dt.datagrab_json.php, line 87

Severity: E_WARNING

second Question.

will Datagrab be able to grab data in a different language when I use the Publisher add-on?

The source above has another version in English
I want to grab both languages to the same entry

when I grab the Arabic content I want to update the English as well to the English version to the publisher add-on!


3rd question..

I am thinking for using Tagger and Pro Search ( low search) in this project too because i need a good search ability
Will Publisher add-on support these and will interact with them natively ? if not would you do some custom development for us to support our project
in general do offer custom paid development and consultation when needed to achieve our goals ?

last question..

in auto translate, in Publisher

I think it works like this ( it will translate from the primary language )
im my case I use Arabic as primary language,
but most of the E-Translators offers better Translation when it comes from English to another language, but it failed when Arabic to another
so we thought about grabbing the Arabic content then translate it to English by Humans, then we Translate to other languages using English as a source

the Question is Can I use a secondary language in Publisher as a source to auto translate using feedL or Google translator ? if no would you add this Feature as well ? 


Your help and support mean a lot to me and your support is a part of our success.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi, Hamad, I’ll try to answer your questions:

1) I think I need to send you DataGrab v4.2.2, which hasn’t been released yet. It should fix the JSON issue. You mention millions of entries… how many are you actually importing? I’m working on DataGrab v5 which is designed to handle larger imports better, but it won’t be ready for a week or two. I can send you a beta if you like when it’s ready.

2) You’ll need the DataGrab Connector and you’ll nee to add publisher_lang_id and publisher_status properties to your import file to import directly to languages other than your default language.

3) Tagger I’m not sure. If you don’t need tags unique to each language then it’ll probably be fine and work with Publisher, but if you need unique tags for each language you’ll have to ask the Tagger developer. Pro Search should work with Publisher though.

4) I don’t think I can do that. Without getting into too much detail it would require a pretty significant change to how Publisher works to define a secondary language.

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