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Ticket: Installed updates for CartThrob and Freeform, Datagrab now broken

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version DataGrab 4.2.1
EE Version 7.2.5

Niki Wolf

Jan 20, 2023

Hi there,

We updated two addons today and found tonight that one of them may have interfered Datagrab, which was working fine previously.

Freeform to v3.0.0, and CartThrob to 7.1.1 (provided by CT Dev, not publicly released yet).

That and an upgrade to CartThrob were the only two things that has changed on the site between yesterday when the Datagrab nightly import ran fine, and tonight when it has failed for no apparent reason.

Unfortunately the errors from it do not directly point to CartThrob, nor Freeform, but I opened tickets with them anyway just in case it is something that is indeed interfering that we didn’t account for, not having the foresight to predict it would have been an issue. The imports that Datagrab runs are a nightly CRON, but a manual attempt with the same CLI command also fails in the same way.

I’ll paste the errors from it in a private post after I’ve created this ticket…

It claims that the file can’t be found—HOWEVER—I did double check the settings on the Datagrab imports (there are two that run and they both failed), and the file path for what it needs to grab IS CORRECT. I don’t know why it is pulling the old data out of nowhere when the CLI command is correctly noted as well as a) the file exists and b) the path in the DG import is correct.

Again—Datagrab itself did not change over the last two days, it’s files have been in place for three weeks. What changed was the CartThrob and Freeform updates. Due to the vagueness and false flag error about the wrong file path, I can’t even begin to figure out which of the two updates is the trigger to this issue.

This is on EE7.2.5, we’re waiting on a fix for a bug that had CartThrob & Structure cross with one another before we can update it to the most recent version.


-Niki Wolf


Niki Wolf

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I don’t know anything about what CT 7 is doing, but that error is from a core PHP function, fopen(), so if it’s failing on that with a full server path that is valid, then I’m not sure what there is I can do to change anything. Are you sure that file has data? It’s not 0kb? What are the permissions on the file? Who owns the file (likely wwwdata or something similar). To me that error is b/c it can’t be read for one of those reasons, not anything DataGrab can fix for work around.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


Niki Wolf


I figured it out.

I found an issue with a server path in the config file of all things, for EE itself… Once I’d had a couple hours of sleep and looked at it fresh again I started pondering “WHY is it looking at the old path??”, and it dawned on me to check the config file as we use certain variables for things, and yep.. that was it. sigh

Sorry for the false alarm, I’ll mark the ticket as closed.

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