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Ticket: Speedy 1.7.0 causing errors

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Speedy Speedy 1.7.0
EE Version EE 5.4.3

Aasun Eble

Jan 17, 2023

Hi Brian,

I’ve updated Speedy from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 on an EE 5.4.3 site and I’m no longer able to access the Speedy preferences in the CP.  I get the following errors if I try to go to Speedy settings.  (this includes direct links I’ve saved in the menu manager to go directly to the Cache Clearing Rules).

Maybe 1.7.0 is the first version that is breaking support for EE 5.x?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you test something for me before I send a whole build? In the addon.setup.php file at the very bottom is this:

'aliases' => [

Can you add this 4th line and see if that fixes it?

'aliases' => [

Aasun Eble

That doesn’t seem to make a difference. Same errors.


BoldMinded (Brian)

EE v5? I stopped supporting that awhile back…


Aasun Eble

Yes. Though I asked you about speedy 1.6.0 on EE 5.4.x, since the docs didn’t mention it, and you said, yes it does, and that you were using it on Boldminded.

So, maybe Speedy 1.7.0 is the version that stops working with EE 5?


BoldMinded (Brian)

At the bottom of the Drivers/DatabaseDriver.php file is this:

private function getModel(): Builder
        return ee('Model')->get('speedy:DatabaseDriver')->filter('site_id', $this->siteId);

    private function getStatsModel(): Builder
        return ee('Model')->get('speedy:DatabaseDriverStats')->filter('site_id', $this->siteId);

    private function makeModel(): \BoldMinded\Speedy\Model\DatabaseDriver
        return ee('Model')->make('speedy:DatabaseDriver');

    private function makeStatsModel(): \BoldMinded\Speedy\Model\DatabaseDriverStats
        return ee('Model')->make('speedy:DatabaseDriverStats');

Remove everything after the : and everything after it on the same line in the function declaration (the return types)

I don’t think I added anything in the 1.7 release that is EE 6 or 7 specific, so unsure why you’re getting this error atm.


Aasun Eble

Ok. That works.


BoldMinded (Brian)

What version of PHP are you using?


Aasun Eble



BoldMinded (Brian)

This might be an issue of EE 5 not supporting the aliasing option which we tried earlier. Glad it’s working now though. You should be fine with that change going forward.

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