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Ticket: Wierd stuff happening with latest builds :(

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 3.7.4
EE Version 6.3.5

Gavin @ JCOGS

Sep 27, 2022

So this is unfortunate, but something seems to have been broken as a result of something today.
Have been working through the newFD site translating entries.
Was going smoothly until my API credit ran out and there was the exception.
Since then with the builds Publisher has behaved differently (Publisher tab rather than controls above Publish area, white screen with warnings when saving a translated entry…)

The most recent issue is the most concerning.

Have a simple channel that comprises a title, a heading, and a grid.
When this is translated (using build 3.7.4 build 275fff50) several odd things happen I’ve not seen previously.

1) The heading (which in the default language is all in caps) is returned translated with the leading letter in lower case.
2) The only column in the grid that is translated (a text input field) is translated, but the values returned are offset by one row - so the text from first row is shifted to second row, second to third row, etc. and the text from the final row is lost - there are three other columns but none contain any fields that are set for translation.
3) Each time you save the translated version this offset process is doubled - so the translation of the first entry is returned in the third row of the grid, and the last two rows are lost, and the next time the first row is returned in the fourth row etc.
4) Redoing the translations gives the same results as the last time the translation was saved.
5) It does not appear possible to delete the translation - the dialog appears, but the button is non-functional, and if you clear the dialog nothing has happened.

So this is a big deal now - as I’ve now invested a day working through the content being translated and am now concerned that this weird offsetting issue might have affected other grids in the build (I don’t think so - but I’ll have to go back and check), and I’ve burned through some budget on the API credits that I’d rather not have to find again.

Would value your thoughts etc.


Gavin @ JCOGS

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Gavin @ JCOGS

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BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m unable to replicate any of this. Are you seeing any JS errors on the page? If so that would explain why the toolbar might not be visible. It might also explain why things are not saving correctly. If Publisher can’t update some hidden input fields it might not be saving correctly. I don’t see the lowercasing of letters happening, or offsetting of Grid rows after saving an entry multiple times.

I reordered the Grid field to make sure that works.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Also, are you sure you’ve cleared the cache? There is a cache/default_site/publisher/autoTranslations folder, make sure that is empty and you’re not seeing potential bad data.


Gavin @ JCOGS

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Gavin @ JCOGS

Clearing the cache (I deleted the entire system/user/cache folder for good measure) makes no difference to outcome.


Gavin @ JCOGS

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BoldMinded (Brian)

Ohh, I didn’t think anything was still calling that autosize function. WTH. On line 1640 of ext.pubilsher.php add this line back:

$modules[] = file_get_contents(PATH_THIRD_THEMES .'publisher/scripts/jquery.autosize-min.js');

Why are you seeing this error and I’m not?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Nevermind, I do see the JS error, but it isn’t clobbering any functionality. I’ll send a new build soon.


BoldMinded (Brian)

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Gavin @ JCOGS

Adding the line (manually) does fix the publish / publisher tab thing. Also it appears to fix the offset on save issue. Maybe you did not see issue due to browser choice? I deleted the dodgy translations from the ‘offset’ thing, and after that the content of the default language version of grid was also deleted. Hopefully I can recover the missing content fairly easily if not recreating won’t take too long. I’ll update to using the new build next. Hopefully that will have fixed things!


BoldMinded (Brian)

Glad to see thats working better. Sorry about that, I got a little too aggressive with removing some old code.


Gavin @ JCOGS

Found out what was cause of the first letter in string being lower cased. I think it is a DeepL issue. The ‘lower case’ effect happens when the string starts with a spanish question mark (not tested, but am guessing possibly other marks might also do this - such as non-western quote marks or some such). So the string “¿POR QUÉ FACTORIADIGITAL?” becomes “pORQUÊ FACTORIADIGITAL?” in PT and “wHY FACTORIADIGITAL?” in EN. Now that I know what is causing it easier to watch out for…


Gavin @ JCOGS

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