All add-ons currently require PHP 7.4 or greater.

On July 4th 2024 PHP 8.2 will be the new minimum requirement for all add-ons. Expect any add-on released after that date to require 8.2 or greater. Some releases may not immediately take advantage of 8.x specific features in PHP, which means you might, be able to continue using new releases in PHP 7.4, however, if you experience an error the first thing you should do is update to PHP 8.2 then create a support ticket if the error persists.

Please read about the changes to BoldMinded add-on licensing.

Ticket: Entry created but no grid data added

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version DataGrab 4.0.4
EE Version 6.3.4

Marcus Lee-Steere

Jun 24, 2022

Hi, I am running DataGrab to import data to a Grid field from a CSV file. The entries themselves are being created but none of the Grid data is being added. It is only sample data at this stage so I have copied the error log below:

01:20:34 06/25/2022 Import #6 Started
01:20:34 06/25/2022 Import #6 Initialized
01:20:34 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [3 Armstrong Street]
01:20:34 06/25/2022 [3 Armstrong Street] is a new entry
01:20:34 06/25/2022 Added 1 entries
01:20:34 06/25/2022 Clearing all cache
01:20:34 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [3 Armstrong Street]
01:20:34 06/25/2022 [3 Armstrong Street] already exists. Updating.
01:20:34 06/25/2022 Updated 1 entries
01:20:35 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [3 Armstrong Street]
01:20:35 06/25/2022 [3 Armstrong Street] already exists. Updating.
01:20:35 06/25/2022 Updated 1 entries
01:20:35 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [3 Armstrong Street]
01:20:35 06/25/2022 [3 Armstrong Street] already exists. Updating.
01:20:35 06/25/2022 Updated 1 entries
01:20:35 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [3 Armstrong Street]
01:20:35 06/25/2022 [3 Armstrong Street] already exists. Updating.
01:20:35 06/25/2022 Updated 1 entries
01:20:35 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [4 Armstrong Street]
01:20:35 06/25/2022 [4 Armstrong Street] is a new entry
01:20:36 06/25/2022 Added 1 entries
01:20:36 06/25/2022 Clearing all cache
01:20:36 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [4 Armstrong Street]
01:20:36 06/25/2022 [4 Armstrong Street] already exists. Updating.
01:20:36 06/25/2022 Updated 1 entries
01:20:36 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [5 Armstrong Street]
01:20:36 06/25/2022 [5 Armstrong Street] is a new entry
01:20:36 06/25/2022 Added 1 entries
01:20:36 06/25/2022 Clearing all cache
01:20:36 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [5 Armstrong Street]
01:20:36 06/25/2022 [5 Armstrong Street] already exists. Updating.
01:20:36 06/25/2022 Updated 1 entries
01:20:37 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [5 Armstrong Street]
01:20:37 06/25/2022 [5 Armstrong Street] already exists. Updating.
01:20:37 06/25/2022 Updated 1 entries
01:20:37 06/25/2022 Begin Importing [5 Armstrong Street]
01:20:37 06/25/2022 [5 Armstrong Street] already exists. Updating.
01:20:37 06/25/2022 Updated 1 entries
01:20:37 06/25/2022 Import #6 End


The site is in a local environment at this stage so I cannot provide a login.

As the CSV is only small I have attached a screen of it, happy to provide the file if that helps.

Any help or suggestions appreciated.




BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi, Marcus. Can you put the file on Dropbox or something and put the link in a private comment?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Also include screenshots of your DataGrab config screens so I can try to replicate what you have setup.


Marcus Lee-Steere

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Try the build in the next comment. You’ll need to make sure your Grid field is configured to update rows if they match a specific value:


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


Full Circle Developers

Is there any progress on this issue? I seem to be encountering a similar problem; DataGrab v4.0.4 and EE 6.3.4.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Nick, create a new ticket and I’ll send you a newer build that should fix it.


Marcus Lee-Steere

Hi Brian

No change with the new build unfortunately, still having the entry created but no grid data carried over. Using the same csv file. Deleted the EE Cache, for whatever that good that will do. Also did an uninstall and reinstall of Datagrab and recreated the fields and channel just to be sure. Same result in all cases.

Apologies for the slow responses BTW but I am in Australia so significant time difference between when I am working and you are working I expect.




BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you provide more screenshots of your import settings? I’m using the same file you provided and am able to import the rows successfully.


Marcus Lee-Steere

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Tell me more about this “Owners Date” column? Have you tried to match it on the “Owners Name” instead? What type of column is the date column in the field config? Is it a text field, number, date?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Marcus, I’ve tested this again with the same csv file you sent, deleted the existing entries it imports, and re-imported them, then run the import 2 more times and it keeps the entry data intact.


Marcus Lee-Steere

Brian, the Owners date (and Owners name) fields are both text fields due to the range of data that might be there. I had not tried matching to Owners name but tested this to no avail.

Seems then that there is something else going on. Perhaps I will wait until I have a dev version online and can let you have a look at that.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m going to close this ticket out. Feel free to re-open it if you need to once you have more information and an environment I can take a look at.


Marcus Lee-Steere

Hi Brian, hey as an FYI, I have recently updated to EE7 and in the scenario outlined above DataGrab is now working fine.

One final question, as I am now in the position to be able use DataGrad for the current project is there a ball-park of the number of rows or the amount of data that DataGrab can handle in one import? In particular via CSV.




BoldMinded (Brian)

Glad to hear it’s working.

That question is impossible to answer, it depends on the server configuration (memory and CPU) and the type of fields you’re importing. All basic text fields will import a lot faster than if you had File, Relationship, and Grid data being imported, it’s just more processing that needs to take place.


BoldMinded (Brian)

That is one of the reasons I default the limit to 1 at a time. It’ll take a little longer overall, but it ensures that it starts a new PHP request each time, and thus less likely to run into memory or CPU issues.

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