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Ticket: Bloqs is leaking data into the entry page in the Control Panel

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Bloqs 4.11.0
EE Version 6.x

John Derrick

Jan 26, 2022

Please see attached screenshot. I have noticed one of my related entries blocks is ‘leaking data’ on the entry page for entries with bloqs. Any idea what might cause that or how to make it stop?



BoldMinded (Brian)

What exact version of EE, and do you have any other custom css added to the cp? That toggle field doesn’t look like a normal toggle field. Looks to me like some css collisions or something.


John Derrick

It’s EE 6.2.4 (latest) and I’m running EE Pro as well. Looking at view source, it appears the following CSS is being added by other add-ons: playa, assets, simple grids, solspace freeform pro, wygwam, fieldpack, tag. Not sure if any of those would cause a conflict since most are EE-Harbor add-ons. Any suggestions on how to test this? I have a dev environment where I can play around with settings, but not sure what to try first.


John Derrick

Looks like the toggle field is part of Fieldpack, I checked the fieldtype.


John Derrick

I have found one thing that seems to trigger this. I have two Relationship fields in the same bloq, one over another (one is legacy now and the other what I want my team to actively use). The second field (the newer one) can contain multiple relationships, but it doesn’t seem to be the problem. When BOTH have a Relationship, especially the older legacy field, then the problem appears. If I delete the entry from the older Relationship field, which only relates one block at a time, then the problem goes away.


BoldMinded (Brian)

That seems very odd and very specific. Can you share a screenshot of an expanded block?


John Derrick

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BoldMinded (Brian)

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John Derrick

Excellent, that looks like that fixed it on my test site. I’ll roll this out on production later tonight. Thank you for this quick fix!

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