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Ticket: Template Snippet Select problem installing

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Simple Grids & Tables 2.0
EE Version 6.0.0

Siegert Naber

Feb 07, 2021

Hi there,

I have the exact same problem as this issue:
No need to explain any further because my issue is described exactly in issue #2196.

Any help ould be greatly appreciated.

By the way, I’m running EE 6.0.0 (on a localhost) which was a fresh install initially. Not an upgraded version.

With kind regards,


BoldMinded (Brian)

Are you using the master branch from the GitHub repo as mentioned in the other ticket?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Your screenshots also don’t provide any context. Where is that error occurring? On what page, what are you doing when the error shows up? Are you adding the field as a standalone field, inside a Grid, Bloq, Fluid field etc? Context is everything 😊


Siegert Naber

Yes I’m using the master branch from the GitHub repo.

The error occurs when I select a channel for editing:


It also occurs when a select any custom field for editing:


Siegert Naber

I can’t use the template_snippet_select fieldtype because it doesn’t show up as installed.

It also shows up when I want to create a new custom field:


Siegert Naber

So, in fact I can’t edit or create custom fields anymore.

Everything works again after manually deleting the template_snippet_select fieldtype from the database, except ofcourse the tempalte_snippet_select fieldtype.


BoldMinded (Brian)

It’ll be a few days until I can look at this. Since it’s one of my free addons it gets lower priority.


Siegert Naber

I completely understand. Take your time, I’m in no hurry 😊


BoldMinded (Brian)

I have it installed in EE6, and don’t see any such errors on any page. Editing an entry with the field, editing a channel, and editing the custom field settings page itself. Are you 100% sure that language file exists?


Siegert Naber

Yes I am absolutely 100% sure it is there. It boggles my mind why it can’t be found…


BoldMinded (Brian)

Are the file and folder permissions correct?


Siegert Naber

I think so. They are readable and writable. No such problems with other add-ons. Does it matter that the system folder is above root?


Siegert Naber

I solved it.

After unzipping “” a folder named “template-snippet-select-master” was unpacked. I renamed this folder to “template-snippet-select” and copied it to “system/user/addons/template-snippet-select”.

It dawned on me that the addon is actually called “template_snippet_select”. With underscores instead of dashes, so I replaced the dashes with underscores in the foldername and now it works :D

So you might want to change the foldername in the zip file.

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