All add-ons currently require PHP 7.4 or greater.

On July 4th 2024 PHP 8.2 will be the new minimum requirement for all add-ons. Expect any add-on released after that date to require 8.2 or greater. Some releases may not immediately take advantage of 8.x specific features in PHP, which means you might, be able to continue using new releases in PHP 7.4, however, if you experience an error the first thing you should do is update to PHP 8.2 then create a support ticket if the error persists.

Please read about the changes to BoldMinded add-on licensing.

Ticket: URL Helper is generating lots of PHP notices for super admins

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 3.1.4
EE Version 5.3.0

Peter Parker

Mar 18, 2020


I’m using your URL Helper extension as recommended in your docs:

and the extension is generating lots of PHP notices for super admins:

Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 372
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 373
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 374
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 375
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 376
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 377
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 378
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 379
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 380
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 381
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 382
Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: Combat-Jacket-Combat-Trousers
user/addons/url_helper/ext.url_helper.php, line 385
Severity: E_NOTICE
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ee/legacy/core/Exceptions.php:120)
ee/EllisLab/ExpressionEngine/Boot/boot.common.php, line 489
Severity: E_WARNING

Any help?


BoldMinded (Brian)

So a couple of things. URL Helper isn’t a paid add-on, so any support I do for it is lower priority.

I’m using URL Helper on a fairly large site using Publisher and relying on URL Helper to translate the categories, and I’m unable to replicate such an issue. In fact these lines of code have been largely untouched for a long time and the add-on is used by a lot of people. My initial reaction is there is something wrong with your data, or your URLs. Are you 100% sure that the url_title value of your categories is Title-Case like they are in the URL? I’m guessing the strings don’t match, so it’s throwing the error.

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