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Ticket: Diagnostic error after fresh install

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 3.1.3
EE Version 5.3

Werner Gusset

Mar 04, 2020

Did I forgot to set some configs or what?

Installed a new EE 5.3 and Publisher, the version from the previous project where you added the EE preview thing (but bought a new license). And I installed Bloqs as well. Then I created some empty templates.

The Diagnostic in Publisher says “Uh oh! It looks like there is an error with your Publisher install. Either a hook is missing or not enabled.” and a long list of not activated hooks.

I deinstalled this version and installed the fresh download of Publisher to check again. But I can not get rid of the error message.

I am scratching my head, it is not the first time I use this setup. Do I have missed something? How can I get this to work as expected?



BoldMinded (Brian)

Hey Werner. Can you attach a screenshot of the page the error appears on?


Werner Gusset

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BoldMinded (Brian)

Do you have extensions globally disabled?


Werner Gusset

Not that I know. That’s only possible in config.php isn’t it?

I will delete the db and start an install from scratch. I am at the beginning of the project so it it not a too big issue to do that. Will let you know how it goes.


Werner Gusset

Don’t understand it. I deleted the db und setup a fresh one. Moved EE 5 files and Publisher files again to the server. Started the install of EE, logged in and installed Publisher and checked the Diagnistic menu. It again says “Uh oh!” error like before.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m not sure what the issue is either. I just installed it in a brand new EE environment and the extensions are registering correctly. What do you see when you look at the exp_extensions table? Is it empty or are there a bunch of Publisher_ext rows?


BoldMinded (Brian)

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Werner Gusset

exp_extension table has 50 rows. 47 for Publisher.

I installed 3.1.3. Diagnostics shows the same list of missing hooks.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you share a screenshot of the exp_extension table?


Werner Gusset


BoldMinded (Brian)

I don’t know why it’s reporting as not working, but it looks like all the hooks are there and enabled. You should know if it’s working or not after you save an entry in a non-default language. If it saves the entry and creates 2 rows in the exp_publisher_titles table, and then displays the translated text back to you in the entry publish page, then it’s working.


Werner Gusset

Ok. I will go on and test tomorrow. Let you know.


Werner Gusset

Made a quick test. I get the German and Englisch titles on the page. The exp_publisher_titles table has 4 entries the German and the English each in open and draft status.

So this seems to be OK.

But there is an other thing: {exp:publisher:languages} loop only outputs the two languages when the url has /en and nothing when it is on /de. Where English is not the default, German is the second entry in Languages and set to default. Do you want me to write a new ticket for this?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Did you create phrase translations for the other languages? The languages loop isn’t tied to the language segment. That sounds like something else is wrong, like an error with the loop template params or missing phrase translation.


Werner Gusset

Here is a screen video. It looks to me that there is the phrase input field for the DE translation missing.


Werner Gusset

Brian, do you have suggestion how to overcome the lange phrase translation issue?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Sorry, haven’t had a chance to look into this. TBH I might need CP access to take a look at the phrase settings and what is in the database, maybe FTP access.


Werner Gusset

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BoldMinded (Brian)

CP login doesn’t work.


Werner Gusset

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BoldMinded (Brian)

I don’t know how it happened, but it did not add rows for the German translations. This query should fix it:

INSERT INTO `exp_publisher_phrase_data` (`phrase_id`, `site_id`, `lang_id`, `status`, `edit_date`, `edit_by`, `is_auto`, `phrase_value`)
 (1, 1, 2, 'open', 1578673937, 1, 0, 'English'),
 (2, 1, 2, 'open', 1578673908, 1, 0, 'German');

Werner Gusset

Thanks a lot, Brian

Problem solved.

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