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Ticket: Cache breaking tags with publisher

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Speedy 1.10
EE Version 5.3

Harold Kuiper

Feb 06, 2020

Hi Brian,

We’re currently busy with replacing ce_cache with speedy, with pretty good results at first!
It was all fairly straightforward but we ren into a problem with the cache clearing rules:

When i edit, create or update an enty it doesn’t seem to be picking up any of the caching rules.
i’ve tried the specific channel rule (entry/article), and even the any channel caching rule.
I’ve tried to clear specified tags (also found by the control panel) and i’ve tried clearing items, even /local completly but nothing seems to be picked up.

Could it be that the combination publisher addon, draf/published status don’t send the correct edit / update / delete signal to the cache breaking rules?
What am i doing wrong?

Kind regards,






BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi, Wiebe. Glad to hear Speedy is working out for you. Unfortunately though I need a lot more information before I can help. Please provide screenshots of all your Speedy settings pages, most importantly your cache clearing settings, and examples of your template tags.


Harold Kuiper

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BoldMinded (Brian)

Have you tried using Redis? Wondering if for some reason it can’t delete something from the file system?


Harold Kuiper

Hi Brian,

Yes we did, we tried both Redis and the Files drivers.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Your pasteboard links don’t seem to be valid anymore.

Without having taken a look at this yet, I’m betting there is something wrong with your template tags, specifically how you’re tagging the cached items and the paths in your cache clearing settings. I know the cache clearing works for each driver because they’re all unit tested.

Update your screenshots and I’ll take another look at it.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Try editing the ticket and uploading the images, I think I fixed the upload and preview. Something broke in a recent upgrade.


Harold Kuiper

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BoldMinded (Brian)

Harold, I just tested with the following tag

{exp:speedy:fragment tags="article-landing"}
stuff here

And this is my cache clearing setting for Any Channel

I also tried path based clearing, and this is my setting, and the URI to the page is .com/default/page/1

In both cases it cleared the cache as soon as I saved an entry, and I have Publisher installed too.

Also ttl isn’t necessary if you’re setting it to 0, which is it’s default value.

You should go to ext.speedy.php, line 95, and add a var_dump or some sort of logging to make sure the extension hook is firing.

public function after_channel_entry_save(ChannelEntry $entry)
        var_dump('Speedy hook is called');

        // Don't double handle deleted entries
        if (in_array($entry->getId(), self::$deleted_entries)) {

        var_dump('Speedy is clearing the cache'); die;

BoldMinded (Brian)

Harold, I’m going to close this ticket. I haven’t heard anything in a few weeks and I’m unable to replicate the issue. If it is still not working for you and you can provide more information based on my last comment feel free to re-open the ticket.

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