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Ticket: File type image manipulation not working

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Simple Grids & Tables 1.2.0
EE Version 5.3.0

eHealth Ontario

Nov 21, 2019

Image manipulation natively supported by EE5 and Bloqs plugin. Using simple grid, the variables for the file field type nor image manipulations are not working.
Documentation from EE for Image Manipulation:
Documentation from EE for File field variables:
In my example, image manipulation name is square. Files are already generated successfully. Directly creating a field in channel or bloqs are working. Only when it is within Simple Grid field type, it is not working.

    <div data-block-name="people_bloq">
            <div class="pb-2 text-center">
                <!-- Test: Simple entry (WORKING) -->
                <img src ="{people_entries_image}" alt="Picture of {people_entries_name}" class="img-thumbnail">
                <!-- Test: To get square version (NOT WORKING) -->
                <img src ="{people_entries_image:square}" alt="Picture of {people_entries_name}" class="img-thumbnail">
                <!-- Test: To construct path of the image using the built in variables (NOT WORKING) -->
                    <img src ="{path}_square/{file_name}" alt="Picture of {people_entries_name}" class="img-thumbnail">



BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks for reporting this. It’ll be a couple weeks before I can look into this bc it’s basically a new feature to Simple Grid.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you actually double check your usage of image manipulations? I just tested this locally and it seems to work fine, even when the image is inside of a Simple Grid field.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi there, just following up on this again. If I don’t hear anything back in a couple days I’ll close this ticket and assume everything is fine.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Closing this ticket. I wasn’t able to replicate it and it’s been over a month with no response.

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