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Ticket: translated entries works with 2.10.7 but is broken since 2.11.0 or possibly since 2.10.8

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.11.1
EE Version 5.2.4

Burgi von Mengershausen

Aug 19, 2019

since publisher version 2.11.0 (maybe also since 2.10.8) the exp:channel:entries template tag is not rendering the proper translated entry but is rendering all entries of the current channel instead. Please help.

The template tag rendering the content:
{exp:channel:entries channel="kultur" disable="member_data|trackbacks|pagination" show_future_entries="yes"}

LIVE-environment with publisher 2.10.7 (reverted to this version because of the bug since 2.11.0)
primary language works:
secondary language works also:

DEV-TEST-environment with publisher 2.11.1
primary language works:
secondary language is broken and lists all channel entries instead:

There is also another issue with publisher and page urls for entries.
If you set a page url for an entry it is impossible to delete this page url again.





BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks for making the ticket. It looks like your license is due for renewal, and my support policy is I only support active licenses. You’ll need to renew before I can look into this, but until then here are the questions I have:

Have you tried to replicate the issue you’re describing on a new environment? I know you said it happened after upgrading, but what you’re describing sounds like something that would be happening to everyone if it was a wide spread bug. It sounds like something unique to your environment, e.g. your template logic, maybe another add-on is involved (custom or 3rd party). What did you do to try to debug the issue? Did you add limit=”” tag params, or any other tags to see if it changed the behavior?

You said:

There is also another issue with publisher and page urls for entries. If you set a page url for an entry it is impossible to delete this page url again.

That sounds like it should be another new ticket, and you’ll need to provide a lot more detail on that one, that’s not enough information for me to look into it. Screenshots, video, or a very descriptive behavior of what is occurring will help.


Burgi von Mengershausen

I just renewed the license: Order ID: 208752

Have you tried to replicate the issue you’re describing on a new environment?

no … as the site with publisher 2.10.7 worked flawlessly and this error behaviour occurred immediately as i updated publisher from 2.10.7 to 2.11.1 and it instantly works again flawlessly when i replace publisher 2.11.1 with the files of 2.10.7 and i did not change ANYTHING else.

What did you do to try to debug the issue?

see answer above

Did you add limit=”” tag params

yes i did but this only shows the most recent entry in the channel but NOT the entry in question!


Burgi von Mengershausen

i very much suspect that the entry url_titles changes you made in version 2.10.8 are causing this error:

[Improved] Translated entry and category url_titles. If more than 1 entry exists in 1 or more channels, or 1 category exists in 1 or more category groups with the same url_title theoretically they should all have the same translated value if the default language value is the same, so return the first matching translation instead of no translations. source:

BoldMinded (Brian)

Hmm, if that is the case then reverting this change would fix it.


Burgi von Mengershausen

no that does not fix it. only reverting to 2.10.7 does fix it!


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m going to send you every release after 2.10.7, then hopefully we can find the exact one that breaks it, and hopefully the Git commit log points me towards something that makes sense.


Burgi von Mengershausen

sounds good


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


Burgi von Mengershausen

With all 3 versions of publisher 2.10.8 you linked via dropbox above the site breaks: Replacing the publisher files with the files of publisher 2.10.7 instantly fixes the errors:


Burgi von Mengershausen

just updated the ticket with login credentials for the DEV-TEST environment where i installed publisher-2108-3c184824


BoldMinded (Brian)

This seems to only be happening at the following URL, correct?

What makes this page different than everything else?


BoldMinded (Brian)

It looks like you’re using the Pages module, and when I go to that page, it works fine.


Burgi von Mengershausen

This seems to only be happening at the following URL, correct?

no it is not unique!:


Burgi von Mengershausen

It looks like you’re using the Pages module, and when I go to that page, it works fine.

No Brian, that is the reason why i mentioned the issue with the pages URL When i by accident enter an URL into the page url, i’m unable to delete that url_page_title again with publisher installed.

But this is another issue.

It does not work fine as it is not intended to be displayed as a page but as an entry in a channel with the normal template group structure.

Again please i did not change anything an everything worked perfectly with 2.10.7


BoldMinded (Brian)

Are you sure these pages are not using different templates? In order for me to continue debugging this you’ll have to replicate the issue in the debug/index template I created. Your current templates are too complicated for me to work around, and it looks like CE Cache is involved, so all caching needs to be disabled. I created the debug/index template and put the template code in it that you said wasn’t working, and it appears to be returning 5 entries for both de and en, so it looks like it is working correctly.

I feel like something is wrong with the template code or something else is amiss. Its possible it appeared to be “working” on older versions b/c because the new version of Publisher fixes a bug that your site might have been taking advantage of and using to appear correct. I could be wrong on this, but I went through every code commit in Publisher between 2.10.7 and 2.10.8 and nothing changed the behavior, but based on what I’m seeing in that debug template the entries tag you said isn’t working appears to be working in both languages the same.

Take some time to replicate the issue in the debug/index template, then I can take another look at it, but as it stands now I can’t debug the site, there are too many things happening that are out of my control. Take a look at this article if you haven’t seen it yet: - We need to reduce the complexity here 😊


Burgi von Mengershausen

You need to specify an entry url_title in an url to display a single entry with the code of your debug template!

For example: will show one single correct entry while will list ALL entries within the “kultur” channel


BoldMinded (Brian)

I found the issue, it was a Publisher bug. It has been a bug in the code since March, and usually it would have manifested itself sooner, so the fact that it took almost 5 months to get a bug report about it is rather odd, so I was convinced it wasn’t a bug 😊 Sorry about that. I updated your dev site with the latest build and the next comment will have the a zip of the build.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


Burgi von Mengershausen

Thank you Brian! Regarding the pages URI issue (seems to be a bug in ExpressionEngine):

By the way. Your ticket email notifications look like this when they are received by your customers:

And: On your docs page it is impossible to use the search field!


BoldMinded (Brian)

Yeah, I’m aware of the email issue, just have not prioritized fixing it. I’m going to go ahead and close this ticket b/c the original issue is resolved, and it appears the other issue is specific to EE.

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