All add-ons currently require PHP 7.4 or greater.

On July 4th 2024 PHP 8.2 will be the new minimum requirement for all add-ons. Expect any add-on released after that date to require 8.2 or greater. Some releases may not immediately take advantage of 8.x specific features in PHP, which means you might, be able to continue using new releases in PHP 7.4, however, if you experience an error the first thing you should do is update to PHP 8.2 then create a support ticket if the error persists.

Please read about the changes to BoldMinded add-on licensing.

Ticket: Can’t publish a page + pages module edit error.

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version
Severity Blocker
EE Version

Ian Jones

Sep 11, 2012

I’m having real trouble getting this plugin to work as expected, really tearing my hair out.

1) I simply can’t publish a page, no error is shown and no javascript console errors appear. Additionally, the template selected does not show as enabled even though I have pressed ‘load layout’ with the correct template selected. See related image.

2) When I follow a link to edit a page under the pages module, I get this error: “Please define a default template for the channel in the Pages module configuration.” This is despite everything being setup correctly AFAIK.

I’ve provided admin control panel and SFTP details, thanks for taking a look.

EE 2.5.2, Blueprints 2.0.2


BoldMinded (Brian)

There is a setting you are missing, you need to pick a default template in the Pages module settings for each channel. After you do that see if everything works.


Ian Jones

I’ve setup this correctly, yet still get errors :(


Ian Jones

Hi, still having trouble… at a total stand still unfortunately. I just can’t create pages!


Ian Jones

All sorted… as usual there was a simple answer. I had a required column in a matrix field that was hidden by the publish layout. Therefore the error never displayed and I was at a loss to why it wouldn’t publish.

Maybe Blueprints could warn of this, or highlight potential conflicts. It’d be nice to have.

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