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Ticket: Load new layout detaches Structure listing from entry

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version
Severity Critical
EE Version 17

Megan Jane D-S

Aug 15, 2012

When selecting a new Structure template and then clicking “Load layout” any attached Structure listing to the entry is removed and not available again until after the entry is saved, then re-opened.

After re-opening the correct listing can be assigned again and the entry saved.

Is this the normal process? Seems overly complicated to assign, save, reassign and save again.

Thanks MJ


BoldMinded (Brian)

So you mean the page you are editing has the Listing Channel field, and it gets reset when you change the layout?

I’ll look into this, but it might be a similar issue as the Structure URL Title awhile back in which the field just won’t work with autosave b/c the Structure tab is using a $string_override value, instead of creating a normal select menu.


Megan Jane D-S

Yes the entry loses the Structure listing and then to get it back you need to submit the entry and relink the listing and save again.



Megan Jane D-S

Still getting this error with Structure 3.3.4 I’m afraid.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Megan, this is most likely a bug with Structure, not Blueprints.

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