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Ticket: Color Dialog JS Error

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version 1.6.4
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.9.0

Daniel Rivas

Sep 22, 2014

Hey Guys,

Im having some issues with wyvern and the color dialog.
It seems that someone reported this before but didnt get resolved.

I tried all that is metioned on the post without luck.




BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you share the error message? Also, did you grab the full version of CKEditor? If the plugin is throwing a JS error, thats more of a CKeditor issue, which I don’t support.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can also try searching the CKeditor forums for the error message and see if anything comes up. Also, does the error only happen when the Color Picker is installed? This seems odd that that ticket is over 3 years old and this is the first instance of a similar report since. I’d just make sure you have the latest version of CKeditor and the plugin files.


Daniel Rivas

This is the error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getContentElement’ of undefined colordialog.js

Here is the element is trying to get p.getContentElement(“picker”,”selectedColor”).setValue(b)

Yes, we installed the will cke editor package. And as you said its weird this is happening I havent found any posts about this. This is only happening if you try to get more colors dialog. Everything else is working fine.



BoldMinded (Brian)

How exactly are you adding the color dialog to Wyvern? Are you adding additional plugin files or just enabling it in the toolbar?


Daniel Rivas

We are adding additional plugin files.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Its possible that plugin isn’t compatible with CKeditor. Try doing a local test with CKeditor via their download and example html docs, and install the plugin there. Basically, try it outside of EE and Wyvern to see if the same error occurs. Wyvern just wraps and loads CKeditor, it doesn’t do anything very fancy.


Daniel Rivas

Thanks we will do that. I let you know how it went.



Daniel Rivas


We were able to fix the issue. It seems that the uidialog wanst added and thats why we were getting those js errors.

You can close this ticket.


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