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Ticket: need help multi-language category filtering for a blog in a structure site.

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.2.2
Severity Blocker
EE Version 2.7.2


Jul 10, 2014


I’m using the structure add-on for a client site. Due to a multi-language question I added publisher (for 3 languages).
Now I need to filter content true categories inside the blog part of the site.(see fig1) true a sidebar navigation (category list)
URL could be something like this: (startpage) (same template as the startpage but only with the entries who have the events category checked)

The code form my blog (startpage)

<body id="blog">
 <div id="site">

<!-- ######### HEADER STUFF ############-->



<!-- ######### BANNER STUFF ############-->

  <section id="blogLatest" class="grey">
  </section><!-- end blogLatest -->

<!-- ######### CONTENT STUFF ############-->

  <section class="box white" id="blogItems">
   <div class="row">
     <div class="small-3 medium-3 large-3 columns">
      <div class="spacer" ></div>
      <h3 class="subsubsubnavTitle">{phrase:filter}</h3>
<p>      </p><ul class="subsubsubnav">
         <li ><a href="/blog">All</a></li>
      </ul><p> <br />
</div><p><!-- end column --></p>

<p><br />
    </p><div class="small-9 medium-9 large-9 columns">
<p>      </p><div class="spacer" ></div>

<p>selected="selected"   </p>

<p>      <br />
</div><p><!-- end column --><br />
</div><p><!-- end row --><br />
</section><p><!-- end introduction --></p>

<p><br />
<!-- ######### FOOTER STUFF ############--></p>

<p> </p>

<p> </p>
</div><p><!-- end site --><br /></p><div id="traceImage"></div>

<p><br />
</body><br />

Where do I start?
I tried the freebie thing but no succes yet.
Is there a nice tutorial somewhere?

Thank You!


BoldMinded (Brian)

This is a pretty vague question. There are a million ways to filter… can you provide more examples such as template code and exactly what you are trying to do??



ok I updated my ticket with url and login to the cp. Added a screenshot of the blog page



the code is wrong seems the the EE tags are filtered


BoldMinded (Brian)

I don’t have any tutorials on this because its a specific implementation issue, which I can’t help with too much. You might want to take a look at the URL Helper extension that works with translated URLs (if your issue is that you’re using translated category url_titles to filter).

Just use {segment_3_category_id} in your entries tags to get the ID.

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