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Ticket: Language Prefix in Comment URI for Non-Publisher Site

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.1.3
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.5.2

Mike C

Jul 07, 2014

Hi -

We have an MSM install with two sites. One has Publisher enabled and the other doesn’t. On the site with Publisher turned off, we’re still getting the language prefix of ‘en’ added to the comment form’s hidden URI field:

<input type="hidden" name="URI" value="en/learn/article/how_to_prolong_lithium_based_batteries">

See a sample page in question here:

I assume this is a bug as language prefixes shouldn’t be getting added anywhere on a site that has Publisher turned off, correct?



BoldMinded (Brian)

And you have the URL Prefix and Force URL Prefix settings turned off on that site? Can you run this query and post the results here?

select * from exp_publisher_settings where key like ‘%prefix%’


BoldMinded (Brian)

select * from exp_publisher_settings where `key` like '%prefix%'

Mike C

Those are both turned off for that site (checked via CP and via your query).


Brian Litzinger

Can you try this and see if it prints on that site.


Brian Litzinger

Throw some var_dumps in this method too and see which conditional is possibly failing.


Mike C

If I add the var_dump in replace_form_variables, the page does not render and I get an error message: ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED

If I add an exit statement there instead, the page is blank… so I assume that method is being called?

As to the second one (should_add_prefix), that method does not seem to exist in: expressionengine/third_party/publisher/libraries/Publisher/helpers/Publisher_helper_url.php


Brian Litzinger

You’re still using 1.1.3? I just noticed that. You need to upgrade… I’m pretty sure this has been fixed already.


Mike C

Hmmm… upgrading isn’t an option for us…


Brian Litzinger

There isn’t much I can do then. There was quite a bit of refactoring with the URL prefixing in 1.3/4… back patching it isn’t feasible for me.

Why can’t you upgrade? Test the upgrade in a local/dev environment first.


Mike C

Well, it’s just an impractical amount of work at this point. We’ve done ALOT of work customizing DevDemon’s Channel Forms module to make it work fully with Publisher. That and I think the latest Pub now requires 2.7 or something like that and this install is still on 2.5.2. So just alot of stuff to address…

Perhaps we’ll just put a fix in place for this issue in Publisher for now… from your perspective, is that doable without a complete refactor of a bunch of code?


Brian Litzinger

In the first screenshot, you just need to check the settings to see if it should add a prefix or not. So a stop gap solution might be do something like this:

public function replace_form_variables($tagdata)
        preg_match_all('/(<form(.*?)>)(.*?)<\/form>/s', $tagdata, $matches);

        if (empty($matches) || !ee()->publisher_setting->url_prefix())
            return $tagdata;

I guess technically that is a back patch 😊


Mike C

Ok - thanks. We’ll work on that. I’ll leave this open for a bit incase we have any specific questions.

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