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Ticket: Drafts disabled, but CP users seeing ‘send for approval’ checkbox?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.4
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.8.1

Janine Dalton

Jul 07, 2014

I’m using Publisher 1.4 with EE 2.8.1. I just want to use Publisher as a multilingual module, without the workflow functionality.

So, I have set ‘Disable Drafts’ to yes and ignored the settings below.

However, when I login as a standard user (not super admin), on edit screens I see a ‘send for approval’ checkbox at the top.
Now, the standard user can publish and update entries (regardless of whether they tick the approval checkbox) which is the main thing.

But is there a way to get rid of the checkbox? I was hoping that with ‘Disable Drafts’ set to yes, it would be as if the workflow aspects didn’t exist. I think that’s how it worked when I used Publisher (v1.2) on another site - I don’t remember seeing this then.

Thanks for your time,


BoldMinded (Brian)

Check your Channel Entry Approvals setting. Sounds some channels are selected when they shouldn’t be.


Janine Dalton

Thanks for quick reply - no channels are ticked under Channel Entry Approvals though. I’ve added a screen shot of that part of the settings screen to my original ticket.


Janine Dalton

Adding the image to my ticket didn’t seem to work (on updating ticket I’ve been getting error that plugin & ee version are not filled in, then on filling those in the image seems to be lost?) So I’ve posted it at thanks


Janine Dalton

Sorry, was running through this with my colleague there and can see that we needed to have the member group ticked under Publishers and Can Change Languages in the settings. That has sorted the problem out, so I’ve marked this as resolved. Thanks for your time.

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