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Ticket: gwcode categories/menu not working

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.4.0
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.8.1


Jun 24, 2014

Not that i was able to make this work => {exp:publisher:translate_category cat_id="1" return="cat_name"}
It seems that it doesn’t fitch the {cat_id} from the gwcode

This is my code simplified :

{exp:gwcode_categories channel="a_la_carte"  }
 ( {cat_id}: {exp:publisher:translate_category cat_id="{cat_id}" return="cat_name"} ) 

where cat_id works outside of the publisher:translate_category tag it doesn’t work anymore once inside it.

Is there a way a could make this work?
I have rather complex setup with gwcode_categories and gcode_menu i don’t want to use standaard categories or ill have a lot of conditionals in my template!

Help please?


BoldMinded (Brian)

If you have a rather complex setup with categories, try to simplify it. Put ONLY that gwcode_categories tag in your template nothing else (no entries tags, header footer or anything). Also, did you try adding parse=”inward” to the gwcode_categories tag?



Hi i have done that still nothing the only code in my template is this now:

{exp:gwcode_categories channel="my_Channel"  parse=“inward” }
     ( {cat_id} : {exp:publisher:translate_category cat_id="{cat_id}" return="cat_name" } ) 

BoldMinded (Brian)

Sam, I just used this exact code in my environment and it shows the category name. Since I can’t replicate this locally and since it involves another 3rd party add-on, I can’t look into this any further until you re-create this in a new EE installation that has only Publisher, and GW Categories installed. This is either an add-on conflict with something in your environment, or an implementation issue. You’ll also need to provide FTP and CP access to the new environment that I can debug it in.

Double check your environment, make sure the categories have translations.

{exp:gwcode_categories channel="pages" parse="inward"}
 ( {cat_id}: {exp:publisher:translate_category cat_id="{cat_id}" return="cat_name"} ) 

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