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Ticket: Formatting Issue

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version 1.3.3
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.7.3

Niall Thompson

Apr 30, 2014

Ok this is a little strange.

On my home page I am using channel entries to display 14 articles.

The first element of each article is a paragraph with a class of summary and inside this is my channel field tag {article_summary}.

For just the first entry it is returning:

Article Summary Content


I’ve formatted the field as none. I’ve even changed the format to xhtml and back again but the strange formatting still exists.

However if I disable Publisher Lite the format issue goes away.

I recently updated to 1.3.3 and that is when the issue first appeared.

Any thoughts? I’ve included login details below for the staging server.

Appreciate any ideas you can offer.



Niall Thompson

The other issue i’m facing is for entries marked as draft. When I revisit them the images are no longer attached to the entry. I am using Channel Images and storing them on AWS. The images still appear on the front end but in the edit entry window the Channel Images field is blank.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I just emailed a new build, should only need to change the models/publisher_entry.php file. Let me know if that corrects the issue.


BoldMinded (Brian)

If you’re having an issue with Channel Images you’ll have to ask DevDemon b/c they handle the Publisher support in their code.


Niall Thompson

Thanks! That fixed the formatting issues.

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