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Ticket: Exp:channel:entries tag returns nothing

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version 3.1.3
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.8.1


Apr 30, 2014


When using this:


the template debugger saus no results are found. However, when I use this:

{exp:publisher:translate_entry entry_id="{structure:page:entry_id}"}

the entry shows all (translated) content as it should.

I’m using this combined with structure, but I don’t know if that’s the problem.



Well, I figured out all those entries had a status = closed. I am sure I did not close them, it just happened. This is the second website wehere I use Publisher and the second time I have issues with the statusses. Is it possible that strange things happen when you don’t assign a specific status group to a chnnel? I never assign a status group to a channel, because I never use statusses. But it seems like I should.


BoldMinded (Brian)

If you don’t assign a status group to a channel EE defaults it to closed (I think). I’ve done this before on accident so I’m pretty sure its not a Publisher issue. I’ve also seen it happen to other people who don’t assign a status group to a channel (again without Publisher). Basically, I’d recommend assigning the default status group to every channel from now on 😊

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