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Ticket: Custom Member can not select a Structure Template

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version 2.0.10
EE Version 2.7.3

Robert Fletcher

Apr 28, 2014

I’m running into a problem with Blueprints.  I am using it with Structure plugin.  The problem I have is when I login using a username that is assigned to a Custom Member Group I am unable to select a new template from the Structure tab.  The structure tab is visible and i can see the options to select the template, but I can’t choose any of my templates.

Have you seen this issue before? I have a client that will need this to work, I am hoping that it is a minor issue or a setting.

Can you give me some tips to get this feature working?

Further testing shows that the issue is only in IE.  I am using IE11 under Windows 7 Pro.

I’m using Structure v3.3.14.5.
Blueprints 2.0.10.
EE v2.7.3.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Have you checked to see if there are any JavaScript errors?

What do you mean they can’t select a template? Are there no options in the list, is the list greyed out? Screenshot would help.


Robert Fletcher

I see the options in the list but when i hover over them I don’t get that option to Load Layout. This was in IE11. For the time being I’m using Chrome. Seems to work well there.


Robert Fletcher

I’m attaching a screenshot here.

so, in the screenshot you’ll see Structure Template and two thumbnail where the user is supposed to be able to click one and a Load Layout pink button is supposed to appear.

The problem is IE11 under windows 7 (i havent tried other versions yet) you can not select a thumbnail nor can you click the pink Load Layout button. I checked in the F12 developer tools and there are 0 js errors. It just doesnt seem to work.

I’ve updated my EE CMS to 2.7.3 and I also updated my Blueprints and Structure plugins to the latest version.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I haven’t done any IE testing for my add-ons (I don’t this is a normal process for any dev tbh). I’ll have to get a new VM setup. Since this is browser specific it’ll take a few days to get to (lower priority since it works fine in Chrome). I’ll post an update in this ticket when I can get to it.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I meant to say “I don’t this is a normal process for any add-on dev tbh”


Robert Fletcher

Your meant to say reply still doesn’t make sense. LOL. j/k. You’re probably burning the midnight oil and losing brain function.

I would hope that everyone still tests add-ons in IE since IE still has a commanding market share. This is the latest version of IE too, so double bizarre that it doesnt work. I usually don’t have any issues with IE10 and up…Rare occassions nowadays.

You must be on a mac then eh?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Yep, I’m on a Mac. What I meant to say was I bet you’d be hard pressed to find an add-on dev that tests their add-ons in multiple versions of IE, or if at all before releasing.

Anyway, I’m having trouble getting Virtual Box to talk to my Mac to see my dev sandbox environment. When I get that figured out I’ll give it a look.


BoldMinded (Brian)

This was an easy fix. Open up the blueprints.js file in the themes folder and go to line 72, and change it to

var item = $(this);

So you’re just adding “var” in front.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Fixed for next release of Blueprints.

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