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Ticket: Categories, Grid and Pages

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.2.2
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.7.2

Gregory Maher

Mar 28, 2014

Hi Brian,
Things seemed to be going very smoothly, but we’ve come across the following issues.

1. On viewing Drafts of existing entries, Categories are empty. They appear correct when viewing Published states.
2. On viewing Drafts of existing entries, Assets fields within a Grid are blank (known issue, understood, but any recommendations?)
3. Pages URI will not save in the Pages Module, Draft or Published


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ll try to replicate #1 this weekend.

2 won’t work. If you want to use assets in a grid field it’s best to use Matrix. Might not sound like the best thing for you, but I simply can’t support that combination along with the others… It’s just too much to manage and perfect.

3 is the page uri field visible? Any other addons manipulating the pages field? I’ve seen this happen before but it was bc the field was hidden or another addon was messing with it. I will still try to replicate it this weekend though.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Greg, when viewing the drafts are the categories not showing in the CP or the front-end properly? I can’t seem to replicate any ill behavior when saving categories in the CP. They save and display fine for draft, published, default, and non-default languages.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Also not able to replicate issues with the Pages module either :/


BoldMinded (Brian)

Geoff, there was an issue with the categories that was fixed in the 1.3.2 build if you want to try that out. Since this is an old ticket I’m going to close it. If you still have issues with Pages or Categories just open a new ticket. Thanks!


Gregory Maher

Hi Brian, I hope all is well. I’m running into a Categories issue again. It is the same installation you helped me troubleshoot previously. Here is the issue described.

  1. “English” Entry created and categorized.
  2. “German” entry created and categorized in the same category
  3. Editing of the English entry does not correctly populate the category checkbox. The entry is still in the correct category on the front-end until saved again. Then, on saving, the category is then removed.

I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about the installation.

Thanks in advance!



BoldMinded (Brian)

Greg, what version of publisher do you have right now?

Would you be able to create a video showing the behavior?


BoldMinded (Brian)

This was resolved with an upgrade to 1.3.3

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