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Ticket: Not recognising Trigger Keywords

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.2.3
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.8

Geoff Lewin

Mar 18, 2014


I’m using Zoo Triggers with Publisher 1.2.2 on ee 2.8.

I’ve found that additional Trigger keywords I’ve added to Zoo Triggers don’t work and return a blank page.

When I disable Publisher the keywords are recognized in the URL and I can use within a conditional to show content.

Below is the conditional I’m using.
{if:elseif "{triggers:segment_3}” == “live-webinar”}

Any ideas why Publisher is causing this or a work around?



BoldMinded (Brian)

I did some quick debugging and this is something they are going to have to add support for. They’re using ee()->uri->uri_string to determine the segments, and by that time they are already translated by Publisher. They can add support by using the {publisher:segment_N} variables, which brings the question, why can’t you use those instead?


Geoff Lewin

I have tried using the following but had no joy.

{if:elseif {publisher:segment_3}” == “live-webinar”}


BoldMinded (Brian)

Unfortunately this sounds like something the Zoo developers will need to sort out.

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