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Ticket: Show 404 when the translation is not there

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.2.2
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.7.3


Mar 18, 2014


Is it possible to show a 404 (or something else) when the translation is not there?

Let me know.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Yep, check out the Template Tags docs section titled Additional {exp:channel:entries} Parameters.



Yes i see, but thats not really what i needed.

I need a variable or tag, that can be used in an if statement to check if the translation for the current language is translated.

{exp:channel:entries publisher_fields="publisher:"}
    {if publisher:is_translated}
       This language is translated
      Language is not translated, show a message or redirect to 404, or something else

Hope you will understand it, otherwise let me know.

Best, Rein


BoldMinded (Brian)

Emailing you a new build. The variable will be “has_translation”.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Rein, did the new variable work out for you?



Yes, the variable works great!

Best, Rein

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