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Ticket: Outputting Phrases

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.2.3
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.8

Geoff Lewin

Mar 12, 2014

I’m trying to output Phrases to my page but only the default language is working.

I’ve tried both of the below template tags below.
I’m using stash and my full code is;

{exp:stash:set parse_tags="yes" parse_conditionals="yes" type="snippet"}            
          {exp:channel:entries channel="page" disable="categories|pagination|member_data" limit="1"}

    {exp:publisher:translate_phrase name="take_a_test_drive"}

On another note can you use html inside of Phrases?


Geoff Lewin

Okay the Phrases have started to work for the other languages. This must be a cache issue.

I’ve used html in the Phrases for links which works but adds numbers to the end of the url.

Can Phrases support html?


BoldMinded (Brian)

I thought I had fixed the phrase cache issue. I’ll take another look.

Yes, they can have HTML, they’re just text fields in the database. What sort of numbers are at the end of the URL? I don’t follow.


Geoff Lewin

The code it adds to the end of the url is;



BoldMinded (Brian)

That looks like some sort of analytics/tracking code. Certainly does not come from Publisher.

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