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Ticket: Images not parsed when Wyvern is used in Matrix field

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version 1.6.2
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.7.3

Tai Palmgren

Mar 05, 2014

I have recently updated to the newest version of Wyvern. It seems that now when there are images that are added to a Wyvern field that’s inside a Matrix field, it outputs only the URL of the image, and not the < img > tag. In the entry itself, I can see the image, and the < img >

tag is showing up correctly in Source view, but on the site itself, only the URL is being output.

I know that there is ordinarily a “Allow image URLs in Wyvern fields” option, but when the Wyvern field is configured inside a Matrix cell, that option is not present. I’m guessing that’s where the problem is coming from. Is there any way to allow images to be output to the site when using Wyvern within Matrix?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi, Tai. Have you searched the P&T help forums or searched the Stack Exchange?

I seem to recall this being an issue with Matrix in the past. Also, the setting shouldn’t have anything to do with it.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m unable to replicate this. EE 2.7, Wyvern 1.6.2, and Matrix 2.5.8


BoldMinded (Brian)

“Yes, I did lots of searching around before posting my ticket, and found nothing. P&T doesn’t have their own forum anymore – they’re using Stack Exchange now. Maybe there was something on their old forum but I don’t think it’s online anymore.

If it helps, I can confirm that images do show up properly in Wygwam fields on this site that are not inside a Matrix field. “

Do images work in Wygwam fields inside of Matrix?


Tai Palmgren

Sorry about that, I meant Wyvern, not Wygwam. I’ve also upgraded to the most recent version of CKEditor.


Tai Palmgren

Added superadmin account to ticket.


BoldMinded (Brian)

What specific entry are you testing with and what URL can I see on the front-end of the site? You can update the site url in the ticket details if you don’t want to post it publicly.


Tai Palmgren

I’m using the Page entry for the URL that’s in the site url for the ticket. The Matrix field is “Tabs” and it’s the “Tab Content” cell in the first row.


Tai Palmgren

Has there been any progress on this? Is there anything else I can do to help?


BoldMinded (Brian)

I hope to look at it this evening.


Tai Palmgren

I appreciate it, thank you.


BoldMinded (Brian)

You might have to provide FTP access for me to figure this one out. I should only need access to the third_party folder, or the wyvern folder.


Tai Palmgren

OK, FTP credentials added to ticket.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Tai, I just patched the ft.wyvern.php file to ignore its custom typography settings, which was butchering the image tag. I think the issue, as you pointed out earlier, is the settings fields are not available in the Matrix field settings, so its defaulting to “no” for allowing images, where it should be yes.


Tai Palmgren

Great! Looks like it’s working. I also noticed four equals signs and an invisible table being output to the page – was that something you did?


Tai Palmgren

Ah, never mind, I found the spot in the template where that was happening. Thanks for your help! I’ll close the ticket.

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