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Ticket: Structure nav

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.2.2
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.7.3

Rob Post

Mar 05, 2014

Having an issue with the Structure nav. I added it the Publisher way according your instructions, the generated links seems to work fine but the menu itself doesn’t look like the result I was expecting.

The above code does start from the URI entry_id but the navigation list it’s building up are not the children of entry_id 133 but the equals (all top-level). It supposed to build up a submenu down from entry_id 133.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Does the navigation generate the way you expect when Publisher is disabled?


Rob Post


In fact when I use

{exp:structure:nav include_ul=“no” start_from=”{segment_1}" max_depth="1"}


{exp:structure:nav include_ul=“no” start_from=”/over-ons" max_depth="1"}

It produces the correct navigation results, but not the correct translated links.


BoldMinded (Brian)

And {page_uri:133} outside of the nav tag prints what you expect it to?


Rob Post

{page_uri:133} outside the structure tag renders the correct string:

/over-ons for NL /about-us for EN /uber-uns for DE


Rob Post

Any news about this issue?

nl/over-ons for NL (default language) has these children nl/over-ons/werkwijze nl/over-ons/diensten nl/over-ons/vestigingen

en/about-us for EN (second language) should have these children en/about-us/how-we-work en/about-us/services en/about-us/locations

But it has these children en/live-communicatie-met-effect en/exhibitions-and-events en/producten

These are all equals (at the same level) instead of daughters. And what’s more, the links themselves (segment_1) are the NL versions of the entry while the visible title is the EN version.

This site is about to go live next week……so please help


BoldMinded (Brian)

Rob, I’m unable to replicate this. I setup a nested tree and used the same tag you are using and the navigation renders correctly in all languages. To further assist you I’m going to need CP and FTP access added to the ticket, along with direction of which template the structure tag is in and what page the navigation appears on.

Have you recently re-ordered the Structure tree? Just drag an item to a different spot, then back. This will trigger the re-complication of the site_pages array.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Rob, do this for me. In exp.publisher.php at the top of the file is this:

private $debug = FALSE;

set it to TRUE, then reload a page on the frontend of the site. It will dump the site_pages array for each language and status. I want to see if this array is what you expect it to be.

As for the children vs siblings, Publisher doesn’t modify that. Its all saved by Structure in exp_structure table. It uses a nested set to determine what is a child and what is a sibling. Publisher just saves the translated value of a URL which is assigned to the entry_id in the site_pages array, then Structure matches the entry_id from the nested set and fetches the URL from the site_pages array.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Confirmed issue with Structure. For anyone searching see

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