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Ticket: [PATCH] Category custom fields with dashes in name causes SQL error

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.1.2
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.7.3

Christopher Imrie

Feb 17, 2014

Been using the exp:publisher:translate_category tag inside a channel entries tag (to translate categories with a category tag pair) and kept encountering SQL errors.

Narrowed it down to the use of dashes in a category custom field name.  I fixed it with the following patch:

Line 585 of expressionengine/third_party/publisher/models/publisher_category.php

Changed from:

$field_select_default[] = 'cfd.'. $name .' AS '. $field->field_name;
$field_select_custom[] = $name .' AS '. $field->field_name;


$field_select_default[] = 'cfd.'. $name .' AS \''. $field->field_name.'\'';
$field_select_custom[] = $name .' AS \''. $field->field_name.'\'';

BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks, included for the next release.

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