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Ticket: membergroup authorizations

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.1.4
Severity Blocker
EE Version 2.7.3

Rob Post

Feb 05, 2014


I’m having troubles with access to Publisher (languages, categories and phrases) from the admin member group we’ve defined.

The admin member group is not able to see or access Publisher (languages, categories and phrases) in a menu we’ve set-up using ZOO visitor. Where are these authorizations set other then EE’s member group settings? It seems that in the EE member group settings everything is set OK.

- The admin member group has the channels assigned.
- Module access to Publisher.
- Can administrate channels and channel preferences.
- CP access also to modules, extensions, accessories and plugins.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Awhile back I added the authorize() method in mcp.publisher.php, pre 1.0 I think. Basically I determined, based on feedback and my own experiences, that non-super admins don’t need to be creating new languages or phrases. Rarely do non-super admins edit templates to place the phrase variable in the page for example. Is this the behavior you’re experiencing? I can look into adding another setting to open this up a bit if needed.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Rob, I added a setting for the next release so you can determine which member groups can access all of Publisher’s settings pages.

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