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Ticket: Preview unpublished draft content

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.1.5
Severity Trivial
EE Version NA

Christian Maloney

Jan 29, 2014

I have the draft approvals and toolbar working for content that has a published version and a draft version.  But, is there anyway to view entries that only have a draft version?  A blog post that editor as just submitted for approval for example?  I see that the status fields is getting set to Draft so I guess I need to get the query to pull entries with Draft status when it sees publisher_status=draft in the url…


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ve been wanting to write a DashEE module, but haven’t found the time. The accessory though shows you which entries have a pending approval, so as long as you’re submitting drafts for approval they should appear in the accessory at the bottom of the page.


Christian Maloney

Is there anyway to see these entries on the front-end in draft mode? So that a content publisher could preview the draft before making it live?


Brian Litzinger

Adding ?publisher_status=draft to the URL should do that. The toolbar lets you switch from draft to published.


Christian Maloney

All that is working great, but only for entries that have been published. For new entries that only have a draft, they have never been “published” I get nothing. From what I can tell from the code, your pulling the entries id’s that need to be shown from channel_entries_query_result which only includes “open” entries. So the entries they are marked as only “draft” are never included in the loop?


Brian Litzinger

Try this, from the docs.

{exp:channel:entries status=”your-custom-status{publisher:entry_status}”} {/exp:channel:entries}


Christian Maloney

That did it, thanks…

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