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Ticket: Clarify Usage: Layouts are Per-Channel/Per-template

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version 2.0.8
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.7.2

Timothy Kelty

Dec 16, 2013

It would seem that Publish Layouts are Per-Channel first, then per-template, so if you have 2 channel sharing a template/field groups, you have to duplicate the Publish Layout to get the same layout.

This makes sense, as everything with EE’s native publish layouts is per-channel, I just wanted to make sure this was the expected result.

It would be handy if you could “load” a layout from a different channel so you could save it to the new one.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Yeah, this is the expected result, mostly following the lead of the publish layouts per channel like you mentioned.


Timothy Kelty

Cool. Just checkin.

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