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Ticket: Playa in Matrix Supported?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.1.2
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.7.2

Peter Lewis

Dec 12, 2013

Supplied access details for (FTP for Publisher folder)

Regarding this ticket - Is Playa inside Matrix not supported by Publisher? For the life of me I can’t get the basic functionality working and have tried various methods, trouble is I’m not sure if it’s publisher causing the issue, or a problem with those field types. Using the latest versions of both Matrix (2.5.10) and Playa (4.4.5) which may be the issue (had no problems with exactly the same code on other builds using older versions).

You can view the issues on the links provided (add /en/about on the URL) and view the right side. See content-embeds/general-content-page template.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I just checked locally and Playa inside of Matrix saves fine. What do you have the Persistent Matrix and Persistent Playa settings set to? Does it save fine in the CP, or is this a front-end display issue?


Peter Lewis

They were both set to “yes”, which I actually don’t want that behaviour, so have changed to “no” - still no difference. It’s looping through the Playa, but not able to output the values within.

3 different attempts to get it to display…

{block status="not closed"}
<br>Playa in Matrix<br>

{block var_prefix="playafield" status="not closed"}
<br>Playa (with prefix) in Matrix<br>

{exp:playa:children field="block" row_id="{row_id}" status="not closed"}
<br>Playa (full tag) in Matrix<br>

                    {if "{position}" == "sidebar"}
                        {block limit="1"}{block:entry_id}#{block-layout}{embed=block-embeds/{block-layout} position="sidebar" entry_id="{entry_id}" parent="{parent:entry_id}"}{/block}

blocks being the Matrix field, block being the matrix cell containing the Playa. But maybe I should raise with Pixel and Tonic…?

For anybody else’s reference:


BoldMinded (Brian)

I wouldn’t go to P&T yet. I’ll take a closer look tonight. Its probably a Publisher issue if anything.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Which entry are you testing with and what is the exact URL and template used so when I login to the CP I know where to go.


Peter Lewis

From Structure, select About - Entry ID 8, scroll down on the edit/publish page to the Blocks Matrix field. It’s using the Travel Extras entry (entry ID 9) which is from the Blocks channel. I’d prefer not to post the full URL, but take the URL you used for the control panel and replace cms.php with just “about”.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Peter, the environment has a lot of display issues. It looks like the themes are not loading correctly, so I can’t assign a Playa relationship.


Peter Lewis

Apologies - this was just setup for you to view, so hadn’t tested fully and missed a config variable. Control Panel working correctly now.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Peter, I just uploaded 1.1.3 to your site and it seems like its saving them fine. I did find an issue with Matrix fields in which I broke it in a previous build.


Peter Lewis

Magic - sorted the Matrix/Playa issue. Thank you.

Now I just need to sort out #719.

Currently in a fresh browser the following happens: (shows Dutch - correct) (redirects to - incorrect, should be English with no redirection) (shows English - incorrect, should redirect to URL without prefix) (redirects to - incorrect should present English no URL change)

Hopefully this is just an issue with the settings, but I’e already tweaked these, so could be something deeper…?

Any help appreciated.



BoldMinded (Brian)

It has to be something with your environment. I will try to take a look tonight or tomorrow. Closing this thread though, lets keep everything in 719

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