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Ticket: Imported Entry Categories Not Visible in CP Publish Layout

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.0.15
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.7.2

Nick Benson

Nov 19, 2013

We imported a bunch of blog entries using AJW DataGrab into a channel and category group that were setup after Publisher was installed / configured.

When going to CP, and listing the entries via Content > Edit > Blog, and selecting the appropriate category from the filter list, I can see that the categories are correctly applied to the entries (I can select a category, and the blog entries listed will change). When I edit the entry, and click the categories tab, none of the categories are checked/applied in the publish layout.

I suspect this is a Publisher issue, as, when I view the list of entries in Content > Edit > Blog, none of the languages are highlighted in the status column.

Is there a set of hoops I need to jump through in order to correctly apply the categories and/or language to these posts? In the entry list, I tried filtering by category, selecting all, and using EE’s “Add Categories” function, but, that hasn’t changed anything either.

Please advise.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I think this is fixed in the next release.


Nick Benson



BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ll try to get a build to you by the end of the week if that’s ok.


Nick Benson

That would be excellent.


BoldMinded (Brian)

New build emailed.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Nick, just a follow up here…

“When going to CP, and listing the entries via Content > Edit > Blog, and selecting the appropriate category from the filter list, I can see that the categories are correctly applied to the entries (I can select a category, and the blog entries listed will change). When I edit the entry, and click the categories tab, none of the categories are checked/applied in the publish layout.”

That leads me to believe the import worked b/c EE sees the categories and they are correctly assigned to the entries, but they are assigned via the exp_category_posts table, which the edit entries page does use to filter entries, however, the import probably doesn’t add the categories to exp_publisher_category_posts, which is where the assignments need to be made so they work with drafts and translations.

In your email you stated that the batch category assignments didn’t work from the drop down below the entries, which surprises me b/c Mark Croxton submitted a fix for that and I verified it was working last week.


Nick Benson

I wonder if the categories weren’t applied because the freshly imported entries weren’t yet living in another Publisher table? Per my first comment, none of the language indicators next to each new entry was highlighted, whereas entries that were created through the control panel all had the “English” button lit up?


Nick Benson

We’re still having some issues with this; Publisher appears to be having some trouble in general with entries that are getting imported by AJW DataGrab.

We’re importing, for instance, entries with DataGrab that are getting stored as Structure Listings. When we view these entries in the EE control panel, none of language icons next to them are highlighted, and, when we edit them, none of the categories assigned by DataGrab show up in the publish form (we know the categories are assigned, because we can sort by category on the front and back end).

Given the number of add-ons massaging data here, it very well might not be an issue with Publisher - could be DataGrab or possibly Structure, I suppose. Thoughts, any?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Your assessment about add-ons massaging data is on point. DataGrab doesn’t know about Publisher’s tables, so it doesn’t import into them. If you are doing a 1 time import, its probably best to import the data, then install Publisher. That way it’ll migrate the data to the Publisher tables. The migrate method isn’t currently setup to ignore entries that already exist in the Publisher tables, so running it as is now will insert duplicate rows. I can look into updating the migrations to be a bit smarter so you can run it at any time, e.g after a DataGrab import, but it’ll take a few days to sort that out.


Nick Benson

Any assistance in troubleshooting or streamlining the process would be much appreciated; on this project we’re importing job listings and events from external sources. Ideally we’ll get to the point where we can just ping DataGrab with crontab and the import process will take care of itself.

Still waiting on some feedback from DataGrab’s developer to optimize checking for existing entries, so this isn’t ultra-mega-super-urgent, but, resolution before my contract runs out with these guys on April 4 would be swell.


BoldMinded (Brian)

How many entries will datagrab be pulling in at a time on average?


Nick Benson

Some of the feeds have ~100 entries in them, the vast majority of which are already in EE, but, it still takes DataGrab ~1 sec / entry to process all of it, even when no updates are coming in. Hoping to get support for a “last updated” field that can be checked more efficiently.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I can look into modifying Publisher’s migrate script to detect duplicate data so it can be run multiple times, but even then it would need to be run manually or after DataGrab’s import process which would require a hook in their code, which I’m not sure if they have.


Nick Benson

From perusing his support forum, hooks and the like appear to be things he’s cool with dealing with and adding, unfortunately that’s a part of developing with EE that I have almost no experience with, and the posts on the forums dealing with it look a bit stale.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Nick, this is going to be significantly more work than expected if it needs to keep categories and relationships in sync after a Datagrab import.


Brian Litzinger

Nick, if you send me an example file you are trying to import I can do some tests and see what I can work out.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Moved to email, closing this ticket.

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