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Ticket: Publisher: Assets in Low Vars not displaying for all languages

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.0.12
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.7

Toby Callinan

Oct 18, 2013

Hi ya Brian,

I have just got hold of Publisher - Freakin’ AWESOME!! So easy to drop in.

I have four languages at the mo - en (Default), fr, de and es. I am using Low Variables for a fair bit of global details. One of which is the site logo. I am using P&T Assets to show the goods. The logo is show only when I use /es/ adn /fr/ at the mo. When I use /de/ and /en/ nothing shows.

Is LV compatible at the mo? If it is, have I got something set up wrong? If not, its not a problem as I can hard code if needed.

I installed Publisher after PT and LV and have run the update at the bottom of the settings, but that hasn’t helped.

Additional Questions
• Do you have any intention of supporting Taxonomy?

• From experience, would you suggest using the URL prefix? /en/ etc? I’m thinking from an SEO standpoint that it would be beneficial to do so IF all entries are translated to avoid duplicate content rules etc for the fallback lang.

• Do to have any advice on meta tags and telling the search engines about the language? I take it <meta name=“language” c> will be fine?

Many thanks - Loving this addon!


BoldMinded (Brian)

Good morning, Toby. Glad you are enjoying the add-on. Unfortunately though it isn’t LV compatible. I haven’t had time to investigate how hard that would be or if its even possible.

As for Taxonomy, I would prefer Iain adds support for Publisher. I worked with Michael on making NavEE compatible just by adding a few hooks and writing an extension. Taxonomy could take the same approach.

The /en/ prefix is the most common approach. Many major sites do the same thing. Take a look at the docs and you’ll see an example on how to use the alternate_url tags that Google likes, which will help SEO. Its on this page about half way down.

Hope that helps.

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