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Ticket: ISO Language code for ‘ar’ (Arabic) shows Argentinian flag on publish page

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.0.12
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.7.1

Christopher Imrie

Oct 10, 2013

Working on a site that has Arabic as a language. I’ve noticed that the flag shown on the publish page is the argentinian flag.

I think this is incorrect since ‘ar’ is officially recognised as the Arabic language identifier and Argentina has Spanish (es) as its official language.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks, I’ll take a look. I nabbed all those icons from a free site. It appears they mislabeled some.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m looking into updating these, but found a site that reminded me that flags are not languages. So there may be instances like this where the flag might not match up perfectly to the language. In this case the best I can recommend is to just disable the flags and not use them, or rename the flag to suite your needs, because it might be different for someone else. In the case of Arabic, its spoken in many different countries.


Christopher Imrie

I agree completely that flags do not represent languages. Arabic is a good example, but even English appears wrong to me since I am based in the UK (it shows an American flag).

I’ve already been running the addon with flags disabled, it was just something I noticed when I first installed.

Great addon btw.

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