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Ticket: White screen/PHP Error after installation, error mentions missing relationship table.

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher Lite 1.0.12
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.7.2

Christopher Kennedy

Oct 09, 2013

I just attempted to install Publisher Lite at a client’s request on EE 2.7.0 (originally) and when I did, I was met with the following error upon install:

A Database Error Occurred
Error Number: 1146
Table 'myodb.exp_relationships' doesn't exist
SELECT * FROM (`exp_relationships`)
Filename: third_party/publisher/models/publisher_relationship_relationship.php
Line Number: 55

Upgrading to 2.7.2 did nothing to solve the issue, either.

It’s definitely true that I don’t have an exp_relationships table, but this is a stock build from 2.7.0, so I’m not sure what’s getting in the way.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Is the relationship field enabled/installed?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Should be an easy fix. Go to that file and update the install() method to look like this:

public function install_move_data()
        if (ee()->db->table_exists('relationships')) 
            $qry = ee()->db->get('relationships');
            if ($qry->num_rows())
                foreach ($qry->result_array() as $row)
                    $data = $row;
                    $data['publisher_lang_id']   = $this->default_language_id;
                    $data['publisher_status']    = ee()->publisher_setting->get('default_view_status');
                    $this->insert_or_update('publisher_relationships', $data, $row);

Christopher Kennedy

No, is it required that it be? If so, that seems like an easy fix. I just disable the default relationship field because the client uses Playa, and I try to keep them from getting confused when setting up new fields (if they have to).


Christopher Kennedy

Great. Thanks a lot!

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