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Ticket: Publisher/Safecracker Publishing a Draft without posting fields

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version


Aug 15, 2013


These are just some small things I’ve come across while trying to further build out front-end editing.

If I try to publish a draft, the updated field has to be displayed. That is, if there are some fields that were formerly saved in a draft, and you try to use a safecracker form that does not display any field entries, those fields do not get updated to the ‘open’ version. But if I simply repeat the experiment but include the field:field_name tag, then the field is updated into the ‘open’ entry. I’m assuming it has to do with the “Fields not in your form will be left intact” feature. But it kills the ability to simply view the article on the front-end and use a safecracker form just for approving/publishing etc.

I suppose if there was even a way to get safecracker to list all fields in a hidden div, that could work too. (as long as I don’t have to manually do it for each channel)

Also, I’ve included a delete draft button that works fine, but if a draft is deleted it returns to the control panel, which is what I’m trying to keep people out of.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Closed, moved to separate todo list

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