Publisher does not support the Fluid field type. Please do not contact asking when support will be available.

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Ticket: Entries are saved in Draft

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version 31


Aug 05, 2013


I added three languages, The content translated, and published in three languages. But published the default language content only. Remain two languages content were saved in “Draft”. So there is displaying default language content, when switching three languages. Url has been changed successfully when switching language.

The content showing perfect when url change like this:

But I don’t want to show the url with status every time when switching the url.

Please help me, how can I solve this.



BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m not following the problem. If publisher_status= is in the URL when you switch languages it will stay in the URL, its just like any other query parameter. publisher_status= doesn’t add itself to the URL, you either need to add it manually, or use the exp:publisher:toolbar tag and click the link.



Thank you for replied.



Hi, Is publisher version(1.0.2) support to the latest ExpressionEngine 2.6.1 version ..?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Yes it is, but you need to apply the the patch mentioned above in the yellow box.



Thank you for your valuable reply

And one more thing EECK Editor(1.1.2),and EECK Finder (1.1.2) are not supporting to the “PUBLISHER(1.0.2)”, but in old version(publisher: 0.98.8), the editors are supporting successfully. Any idea please…


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you provide CP access so I can take a look? There isn’t any reason EECK shouldn’t be working… as far as EE and Publisher are concerned its just a textarea field.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Ramesh, check with the EECK developer. If they are loading .js assets from the control panel with site_url it might not be loading correctly. I had to change Wyvern to use root_url, which is a variable Publisher creates. e.g.

$site_url = isset($this->EE->config->_global_vars['root_url']) ? 
                    $this->EE->config->_global_vars['root_url'] : 

// then use $site_url to load .js files

BoldMinded (Brian)

Closing this one too, its been too long without any response. Just open a new ticket if this is still an issue. Thanks.

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