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Ticket: URL Translations

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version


Jul 25, 2013


First of all I would like to tell you people thank you. I am using “Publisher(0.98.8)” module for multilingual site which has in three(Dutch,English,Deutsch) languages. Publisher module awesome if compare the “Transcribe” module.And “Navee”, “page urls” ,“categories” each and everything fine. The navee(menu’s) are working fine asper language. But still I am facing url translation problem when switching languages.

(I am using publisher-NavEE Support: 1.2).

I am using following the code for language switches:

{exp:publisher:languages show_current=“yes”}

my default language is “Dutch”

Example: If I am switch one of my page in Dutch like :

next if I switch the English language url should come in english like:
but it is coming like:

How can I solve this problem except this one each and everything is fine in “Publisher” module.

I have given different navigation links asper language.
and different page url’s asper language.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Ramesh, you are using a very old version of Publisher. You will need to upgrade to the latest version before I can assist you. It’s likely the bug you are reporting is already fixed.


Tiffany Taunton

I can confirm the same issue. If I’m switching to another language from my default language (en) and the switcher works fine. But if I’m in any language but my default, it doesn’t properly give me my translated urls.

From English <li class=”active”>English</li> <li class=”“>中文(简体)</li> <li class=”“>Português</li> <li class=”“>Pусский</li>

From Russian <li>English</li> <li>中文(简体)</li> <li>Português</li> <li class=”active”>Pусский</li>


BoldMinded (Brian)

Tiffany, have you tried using {switch_language_url} in that loop instead of {translated_url}?


Tiffany Taunton

Yes, I’ve tried that and the other {exp:publisher:switcher} tag and they both don’t return the correct translated URL. I get ‘Page not found’ because the last segment is still the previous language but my {segment_1} language code has changed.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Is this something you can email me FTP access to?


Tiffany Taunton

Yea sure, I’ll be happy to. Just sent it along.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Well, turns out it doesn’t handle URLs with unicode characters very well. The Chinese and Portuguese URLs have unicode characters and don’t work. I saved the German entry of the about page and added “-de” to the URL to make it unique and it works fine.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Tiffany, it’ll be a few days before I get this working, sorry. But my first attempts are promising. I have to add url encoding to multiple places in the code base :/


Tiffany Taunton

Any update on this?


BoldMinded (Brian)

No, I’m sorry. I’m a bit behind right now in the support department :/


BoldMinded (Brian)

New build sent.


BoldMinded (Brian) fixes multi-byte characters in the URLs

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