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Ticket: Super Search Support and site_url / page_uri with language prefix

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version

Mike C

Jul 18, 2013

Hi Brian -

I know Solspace Super Search is not supported for Publisher, however it’s something we require on a project. I was going to have one of my devs look at this more closely but just wanted to ask you first if you could give me appraisal from your perspective if such integration is doable (ie. is this something you haven’t done because it’s just not in demand or is it more because it would take some serious reworking of Publisher)? Or maybe you don’t really know because you’ve never looked at it closely.

In either case, any thoughts would be appreciated.

Second question regarding forcing language prefix and site_url. We are implementing on an existing project where we use Pages almost exclusively. We generally build URLs using {site_url}{page_uri} and because {page_uri} always places a ‘/’ before the segment, we set our site_url to never have a trailing slash (ie.

However, it seems that with Publisher installed, we have a trailing slash being appended to the site_url which is creating a double-slash in our URLs when using it with the page_uri (ie. http://www.domain/en//page_uri).

We could retrofit and use page_url in place of these in most places but there are some spots where we have logic hanging off of the {page_uri} and so I wanted to get your thoughts on removing the trailing slash from Publisher’s output - and whether you think that might be risky in other things Publisher does?

Again, any thoughts would be appreciated. This is our first time with Publisher and are still getting to know it - and any best practices with it in regards to using it with Pages would be appreciated.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Hey, Mike. It wouldn’t be a refactor of Publisher to work with Super Search, it would instead be a refactor of Super Search to utilize the basic API Publisher has. If you bug Solspace they might be willing to add support for it. Its on my list of things to do if Solspace doesn’t get to it first, but honestly its low on my priority b/c I need to focus on the main product.

I would recommend using page_url instead of site_url + page_uri. page_url is basically the concatenation of site_url + page_uri anyway. Both of those variables are set right next to each other in the source code, page_url is just prefixed with the site_url variable.


Mike C

Ok - thanks for the info Brian. We’ll see what we can do with Solspace or on our own. Thanks.

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