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Ticket: URL translation and URL prefix- am I missing something

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version


Jul 11, 2013

Sorry of these are basic questions - first time using Publisher on a site and still trying to wrap my head around things. EE2.6.1 and Publisher1.0.1 - only other add-ons are the P&T ones.

I have the following settings:

Get language from browser: NO
Enable URL translations: YES
Add URL prefix: YES
Force URL prefix: NO

and the following URLs (this is on a dev server);

NL (dutch) is set as default language. Question: is it possible to omit the /nl/ segment because it’s the default language?
If I go to  I just get whatever language page I last visited. Maybe that’s just how it works but I expected that, in absence of a language URL prefix, it would default to NL.

Another things is that I have the images (in Assets fields) set as fields to be ignored, but I can still load a different set of images for each language (impressive though as that is - I need the same set for all 3 languages). Is this a bug or am I missing something obvious?

Really impressed with the module so far!


BoldMinded (Brian)

The “remove default language code from the URL” request has been made a couple of times. I’ll look into adding support for that soon.

Annnddd I’ll look into the Assets thing to and try to replicate it 😊


BoldMinded (Brian)

Emailed new file to hopefully fix the Assets issue.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Erwin, in that new file I sent can you add this and copy/paste the actual query used.

public function assets_data_query($assets, $sql)

BoldMinded (Brian)

Erwin, have you had a chance to look at this and provide an update of what the query looks like?



Hi Brian,

as I mentioned in another post for now I’ve disabled the module altogether - apologies, I had to get this one out the door in a couple of days, if I’d had more dev time I wouldv’e stuck with it, I can certainly see you’re no slouch on the follow up. I’ll see if I can recreate the install on a local install and send the results but that won’t be until early next week.

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