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Ticket: Native language names in language switcher (or {exp:publisher:languages})

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version

Dennis Frank

Jul 10, 2013

I wonder if it’s possible to output the language names in its native language. {long_name} outputs only the translated name.

I prefer

English – Deutsch – Français


English – German – French

Maybe a variable like {long_name_native}?

  <a href="{translated_url}">{long_name_native}</a>

Or could you recommend a workaround?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi, Dennis. {long_name} should print the native name. Did you go to the Phrases and translate them? When you add a language it adds a phrase for the language, and uses those translations in the publisher:languages tag.


Dennis Frank

Hm. Not for me.

Or do I something wrong?

<ul class="language-switch">
  <li{if is_active} class="active"{/if}><a href="http://{translated_url}">{long_name}</a></li>

BoldMinded (Brian)

Is this still not working for you? This is very odd because it works fine for me locally and I haven’t seen similar reports like this.


Tiffany Taunton

I was having the same problem and translating the phrase completely for each language was the key.

For example: the French language, my {phrase:language_fr} translation for all languages is Français.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Dennis, just following up to see if this is still an issue. If it is you might need to provide CP & FTP access, or zip up and send the whole site to me, otherwise I’d like to close the ticket.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Tiffany, is this an MSM site you’re working with?


Dennis Frank

Hi Brian, sorry for the long delay. I was busy with a lot of other stuff lately. It’s still an issue. I will update the site to the latest Publisher version at the end of the week. Then I can give you more details/access. Thanks!


BoldMinded (Brian)

Closing this ticket. If issue is still present just open a new ticket, thanks!

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